- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Cluster headache
- Persistent idiopathic facial pain
- Cervical radicular pain
- Cervical facet pain
- Cervicogenic headache
- Whiplash-associated disorders
- Occipital neuralgia
- Thoracic radicular pain
- Thoracic facet joint pain
- Low back pain/Sciatica/slip disc
- Failed back surgery syndrome
- Pain due to spinal canal stenosis
- Pain originating from the lumbar facet joints
- Sacroiliac joint pain
- Discogenic low back pain
- Complex regional pain syndrome
- Herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia
- Painful diabetic polyneuropathy
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Meralgia paresthetica
- Phantom pain
- Traumatic plexus lesion
- Chronic refractory angina pectoris
- Ischemic pain in the extremities and Raynaud’s phenomenon
- Pain in chronic pancreatitis
- Pain in patients with cancer